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Have Questions? We’ve Got Answers!
This Program Is:
- A customized mentorship program for the development of YOUR player based on step-by-step processes – which is required to grow and excel.
- Mentoring, coaching, and encouraging both the player and the parents through all the elements of the youth hockey development process.
- Valuable interactive VIDEO ANALYSIS, feedback, and teaching for high-end development.
- Video, images, document information, links, interviews.
- Planning, timelines, and expectations for off-season training.
- Consultation with parents on the path for their players.
This Program Isn't:
- Video analysis only, and some general advice for the family.
- For the average level hockey player.
- A recruiting tool.
- A be-all-end-all program for player development and advancement. You NEED other good coaches in your player’s life, every season of life. Another HUGE reason to join this program. I will guide you through this.
Why This Program, And Whom Is It For?
- Why? Out of all the players that I coach and train, 90% of the parents that I talk to (probably higher than that) communicate a need for Hockey IQ training. Along with this: a basic need for information, guidance, and/or knowledge for the paths available for their player.
- What else? The areas of development (on and off the ice), the need for confidence and encouragement, and the decisions a high-end youth hockey player faces on a daily and season-by-season basis are overwhelming. I have been through it myself, and I see what my players are dealing with and how they need guidance at every turn so they are headed toward their path, not just a path.
- For Whom? For anyone wanting and willing to grow in Hockey IQ.
Get in Touch!